Why Write for HitBerry Games?
🚀 Exposure to a Wide Readership
Your expertise will not go unnoticed! Gain exposure to a vast and engaged readership eager to explore the latest in technology and game development.
🔗 Permanent Do-Follow Backlinks
Cement your digital presence with permanent do-follow backlinks. Enhance your online authority and visibility as your guest post becomes a valuable resource in our tech-centric ecosystem.
📢 Social Media Amplification
We don't stop at publication! Your articles will be actively promoted across our extensive social media networks, ensuring your insights reach a broader audience and garner the attention they deserve.
Topics We're Eager to Explore
Join us on an expedition into a diverse array of subjects, seamlessly connecting the worlds of technology and gaming. Here are some captivating topics we're enthusiastic to explore:
Game Development
Gaming News & Trends
AR/VR Technologies
Esports and the Gaming Industry
Branded games (Advergames)

AI and Machine Learning
Cloud Gaming and Technologies
NFT and blockchain
Mobile Gaming
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must meet the HitBerry Games content team’s quality standards to get published. Editors reserve the right to reject contributions at their discretion and make minor edits to your article.
Your article must be 1000+ words and offer something valuable to our readers.
You can only have 1 self-serving link. Either a link to a relevant, informative, resource (i.e. a blog post) in the body of the article (dofollow link) or to your site or any social media channel in the author bio (dofollow link). You can link to other relevant articles from the HitBerry Games blog that may add value to the article. But please refrain from excessive linking. In general, it’s best to keep the link count under 5.
Outgoing links must be relevant to our blog. For example, linking to dating sites, SEO agencies, Credit-related sites, etc. aren’t allowed.
Once published on our blog you cannot publish it anywhere else, including your own blog.
Images and videos are encouraged, as they make the article look further enticing to the reader.
Images width should be 300 KB or less. Please send them as a separate attachment.
Make sure not to violate copyright when using images. Give credit when needed.
If you’re including technical diagrams, see the example of how they're going to look like in the one of our posts: https://www.hitberrygames.com/post/godot-vs-unity-2023-which-game-engine-is-the-best-one.
To submit your article idea, please send your material directly to digitalninja@hitberrygames.com.
⚠️ Plagiarism
HitBerry Games is strictly against plagiarism. Think a thousand times before submitting a copied article. Your account will be banned from HitBerry Games and if you have had any previously published guest blogs on this site, those will be permanently removed too.

Publishing your Article
Submitting Your Article
Before submitting your article, write to - digitalninja@hitberrygames.com with the message titled "Guest Post <Your Company Name>" and list in the email the following info:
- Topic of the article;
- Amount of the links included and the main source of these links;
- Questions if you have some.
Our Content Manager will respond to you on the same day.
Editorial Assistant Review
Once you have created an article, you can immediately submit it to us for review. Write to - digitalninja@hitberrygames.com with the message titled "Guest Post Review <Your Company Name>".
Our Editorial Assistant checks that it follows our editorial guidelines. It can take 2-3 days.
Final Edits
If the editorial assistant has requested that you make changes, it will go on Editorial Hold. Your post will be published faster if you quickly respond and make the required changes. It can take 1h to a few days, depending on your response.
Ready for Publishing
Once all editorial changes are completed, your post will be published in 2-3 days. Please note, that HitBerry Games can have a queue for guest posts.